Thanks for considering
ordering your next knife from NorthCoast Knives.
As with anything else in life, there is always fine print. I'll try to be
as quick and brief as possible. TERMS: This
web site is obviously set up and optimized to accept Mastercard, Discover,
Visa and American Express. I personally have no objection to cash , money
orders or checks but, believe it or not, in this wonderful
electronic world of ours, it's actually more
work to get it through this system. If you want to mail me an order, use
the information at the bottom of this page. Please keep in mind though,
that I can only accept credit cards through this web site. If you send me a check, please allow
about a few days for it to clear. If it turns out there's any demand for COD,
I'll look into setting it up, but for now I don't offer this service.
Right now, I'm using PayPal to
handle all of my credit card transactions. I have been very impressed with
how secure their system is. When you're ordering, the credit card number
goes right to them and I don't even see it. They only pass the
order itself back to me without the credit card information. I was always
worried about security and having a bunch of credit card numbers laying
around I feel much better doing
it that way. I've tried to streamline the process as much as possible and
I hope you'll find it easy and simple to use .
MINIMUMS: Don't worry about minimum order. I
don't have one.
reason, we mess up on your order, or it's defective or
something, we'll jump through hoops to
straighten it out. ( Heck, I want you to come back next time, too, and I
want ordering from us to be a pleasant experience.) But don't send it back
without a return authorization! It'll get lost for sure. If you change
your mind about an item after you receive it, contact us for a return
authorization. I'll have to impose a 30 day limit on this.
Naturally credit is issued only on items received back in the
same condition I sent them out to you. And I reserve the right to
limit the number of returns from a single order. And always save your
paperwork! And please don't rely on MY memory as to when and what you
ordered or we're both in trouble.
BACKORDERS: I do my best to keep good levels
of inventory but sometimes I misjudge how popular an item is going to be
or a vendors alerts me to an unexpected backorder. If, by some chance, I
can't ship from stock, I'll let you know immediately and give you the
option of refund or waiting it out. I'll try to be realistic in the lead
times I quote on any items out of stock. I'll pay for the shipping on any
backorders so you don't end up paying shipping twice. That only seems
be afraid to ask about something you've seen someplace else. I can get a
lot of stuff in here on special order, usually pretty quickly. If I can't
get it for you, I'll try to at least point you in the right direction. I
kind of have to pick and choose my inventory trying to figure out what's
going to be popular. If I tried to carry every item a manufacturer made,
this place would be as big as WalMart. If there are any special
considerations such as 50% down or non-cancel / non-return, I'll let
you know.
SUPPORT: I guess that would be me. If you have any questions
about any of my products, I'll try to answer them as best I can. The only
thing I ask is that you keep your questions short. Thanks. And
please try to understand if I take a day or two to get back to you. And if
my answers are short, please don't assume that I'm being curt with you. It
just means that I've got twenty five more people besides you to get back
COSTS: Shipping costs to the United States
- $9.99
- $49.99
- $99.99
- $199.99
& above
Costs of shipping to
America, Australia, Asia and Europe are obviously a little bit higher. Use the standard checkout
procedure for ordering, but extra costs of shipping are priced as a
regular line item and will be added to the regular shipping costs. Please use the following adders:
Additional Shipping:
$ 15.00
Additional Shipping:
Australia, New Zealand, South America
$ 25.00
Additional Shipping:
Europe, Asia
$ 25.00
Please Note: Although the above
additional shipping costs for orders from outside the United States
will work in the majority of cases, I reserve to right to quote higher
shipping charges on larger orders (Typically anything over four pounds
which would have to be shipped by Priority Mail). Unfortunately,
the US Post Office hiked their international shipping prices by as
much as 40% on Feb. 1, 2013 and I have to reflect these in my
Also please
Note: I am not an authority on the local laws of every single
international country in the world . If there are any restrictions on the
shipment of any of my products, I have to ask you to verify the legality
and take the responsibility for Customs regulations and import
Note: Sales
Tax at the rate
of 6.0% will be charged on all orders shipping to my beautiful home state
of Ohio.
Got to do it to keep me square with the state revenuers.
I recently changed to shipping almost everything by Priority Mail , the
Post Offices 2-3 day delivery service. Their batting record isn't 100%
within this time frame, but they do seem to get the package to you pretty
quickly. I like them better now that they have tracking numbers you can
check on line. I'll email you your tracking number as soon as I ship your
DAMAGED SHIPMENTS: Check your shipment as soon as you receive
it . If the box was damaged in shipment, call the carrier and ask for an
inspection. They will advise you as to how to file a claim. I'll take
responsibility for the way it leaves here, but unfortunately, I can't take
the responsibility for the actions of every single UPS deliveryman
and USPS Mailman out there.
My goal at NorthCoast
Knives is to build up a clientele of satisfied, repeat customers. I'm
planning on doing this for a while and, since I don't have the time
to keep looking for new customers ,I hope to provide the type of
shopping experience which will encourage you to return again.
A lot of my
emphasis will be placed on customer service. My goal is to have orders shipped
the next day after receipt ( at the latest) and to make sure that orders
are filled completely and accurately. I want NorthCoast Knives to be an
easy place to deal with. If anything whatsoever is not to your complete
satisfaction, I will do my best to make it right. I am the guy to
yell at if you have any problems.
I am always open to
suggestions about a better way to do things, places where you think my
service isn't quite up to snuff, or inventory you'd like to see me
Thanks again for ordering
from NorthCoast Knives. I appreciate your business
Pat Percival
NorthCoast Knives
17407 Puritas Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44135